On Dec. 1st 2018, ExpatsTogetherTechnology Co., Ltd.held a Signing Ceremony of Strategic Cooperationwith Xiaopao Technology Co., Ltd.and ARGONAVISCo., Ltd.in SIIC Center, Qingdao. The general manager of ExpatsTogether Technology Co., Ltd.,Mr. Huang Shuai, the president ofXiaopaoTechnology Co., Ltd., Mr. Li Jing, thepresidentof ARGONAVIS Co., Ltd., Mr. Li Yang came to the signing ceremony and witnessed and carried out the signing together.
The signing ceremony was divided intotwo parts:
The first part:
First, Mr. Huang Shuai delivered a speech.
黃帥先生表示很感謝廣州小跑軟件科技有限公司、青島夢想?yún)R帆船游艇俱樂部管理有限公司對公司及團隊的信任,介紹了INCHINA APP項目的基本情況、組織架構及商業(yè)模型,并強調了公司的使命、愿景與價值觀。
Mr. Huang Shuaiexpressed his gratitudetoXiaopaoTechnology Co., Ltd.andARGONAVISCo., Ltd.fortheir trust in the company and the team. He introduced the organizational structure and business model of INCHINA APP project andemphasized themission, vision and value of the company.
INCHINA APP是青島洋相扎堆兒科技有限公司旗下平臺產品,致力于中西文化交流,成為在華外國友人的工作生活問題解決專家,以一帶一路為紐帶打造融會貫通的互聯(lián)網平臺。
INCHINA APP is the product of ExpatsTogether Technology Co., Ltd.,which is dedicated to become a cultural medium for intercourse between China and the West, to be an expert in solving problems ofliving in Chinafor foreign friends, to create a comprehensive Internet platform with the background of the Belt and Road.
Then, Mr. Li Jingdelivered a speech.
Mr. Li Jing first introducedthe background and missionofXiaopaoTechnology Co., Ltd.and shared the reasons for choosing ExpatsTogetherTechnology Co., Ltd.from two aspects ofproduct positioning and team recognition. At last, Mr. Li Jing shared thevalue of cooperation and future ideas. He alsoexpressed they would like to do their best to supportExpatsTogetherCo., Ltd.
XiaopaoTechnology Co., Ltd.is aleading Internet technology service provider in South China.It took only three years for this company to radiate itsbusiness to Southeast Asia and Eastern and Southern European countries.
Then, Mr. Li Yang delivered a speech.
Mr. Li Yang shared his understanding of "yang xiang". He hopes to spread Qingdao's business card -- sailing sport to foreign friends and the worldfromthe perspective of cultural exchanges. He is full of expectations for the cooperation.
ARGONAVISCo., Ltd. isa professional water sports service company. Its businesscovers water sports, marine education, marine tourism, maritime media, water sports infrastructure construction and other industrial chains.In 2017, it was awarded the "Best Sailing Club of the Year" in the "Annual Selection of Chinese Navigation Sports in 2017" organized by the Organizing Committee of the China Cup Sailing Race.Qilu Transportation Development Group was introduced as a strategic shareholder in 2018. In 2018, ARGONAVISCo., Ltd.became the trusteeship unit of the Marine Culture Industry Branch of China Ocean Development Research Association,audited by the State Oceanic Administration,responsible for the implementation of the Marine Culture Promotion and Industrialization Research of the State Oceanic Administration in 11 coastal provinces and cities.
Finally, PAUL & JACK, the foreign colleagues of
ExpatsTogetherTechnology Co., Ltd.,delivered their speeches.
Paul分享了他來中國七年多的經歷及其在中國生活遇到的問題,INCHINA APP恰好能解決一些痛點,Paul表示對INCHINA APP充滿期待,期待早日上線,服務于更多在中國生活的外籍人士。
Paul shared his experience of livingin China formore than seven years and the problems he met in his life in China.Paul said he islooking forward to seeing the APPand expects it to be launched soonto serve more foreigners living in China.
Jack表示從08年奧運會之后越來越多的外國人選擇來到青島,青島是個充滿魅力的城市,INCHINA APP市場前景非常好。他對公司提供給外籍人士的幫助表示感謝,也希望公司越來越好。
Jack said thatmore and more foreigners have come to Qingdaosince the 2008 Olympic Games. Qingdao is a beautiful city.The market prospect of INCHINA APP is good.He thanked the company for its help to foreigners and hoped that the company would be better and better.
The second part:signing contracts and taking a group photo;
Firstly, Mr. Huang Shuai, the general manager ofExpatsTogetherTechnology Co., Ltd., signed the contract with Mr. Li Jing, thepresidentofXiaopaoTechnology Co., Ltd..
Secondly, Mr. Huang Shuai signed the contract with Mr. Li Yang, thepresidentofARGONAVISCo., Ltd..
In the end of the signing ceremony, the leaders and guests attending the signing ceremony took a group photo.The signing ceremony was successfully completed.
The signing of the contracts mark the establishment of long-term and stable strategic cooperation among the three parties.The three parties will make use of theadvantages oftheir respective platform to strengthen cooperation and share resources to serve foreigners in Chinabetterand jointly promote the development and influence of INCHINA APP.